hello please read my entire totally awesome page this is my website. please forgive the messy and unorganized part of this site it's my first time making a neocity.
the rest of this site just describes who I am and what I like.

I like metal so I'm a metalhead or whatever. spanish/english. I like to think I know how to code (I can't) but it's fun to mess around with html. guitarist+drummer. do you see the little boxes under this big one, those go into detail about my interests. Check them out if you'd like. I block if I think you're weird no dni


fluids, lipoma, mxmxm, behemoth, chainsaw emasculation, brainspit, gorepot, enuresis, toddler stomper, sulfric cautery, putrid stu, gutfed, acid bath, larval therapy, scabbed, dpm, bodily stew, reclaim, toughguy, leech, casket mush, incinerated, couple skate, vomit forth, pop a squat, archer valentine, bloat, snuffed on sight, party cannon, suicide bonger, metrorrhagia, rectal smegma, blood splattered babies, spazoidian slip, rotbus, festerdecay, real life ugly, rotten noise, skunk, regurgitate, magrudergrind, nails, wormrot, erotic gore cunt, dead in dirt, exhumed, pathologist, miasmatic necrosis, internal rot, bongzilla, olhava, rotting, coffin rot, abraded, maul, outer heaven, undergang, fleshrot, tomb mold, re-buried, molder, mortal decay, kommand, wharflurch, chaotin, mortuous, blood spore, anomalistic, muramasa, utopie, closed casket + more


skateboarding, coding, endless scrolling on internet, online shopping, guitar, drums, apple pie, chemistry, my friends, guns and weapons, horror games/movies, horror in general, video games, ninja turtles, astronomy, physics, clowns

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